Thursday, August 28, 2008

Protest Uranium Mine Exemption from Mining Act Reform

Anyone interested in going please message me.. maybe we can carpool or take a train...

I apologize for the late notice.

Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium, (CCAMU)
Call to Eastern Ontario municipalities, community groups, and concerned citizens to:
Protest Uranium Mine Exemption from Mining Act Reform,
Radisson Hotel Entrance, 1 Johnson Street,
Kingston, Ontaqrio,
Thursday, August 28th, 6 PM.

The Ministry of Mines and Northern Development is holding hearings on the proposed reform of Ontario's antiquated Mining Act. While we support restrictions on the "free entry" of mining companies and prospectors on land claimed by aboriginals and private land owners, we question why uranium mines should be exempted. Uranium mines pollute watersheds. The proposed mine in North Frontenac County, near Sharbot Lake, would adversely affect the Mississippi and Ottawa rivers. Twenty two regional municipalities, including Ottawa,Kingston and Frontenac County have voted for a moratorium on Uranium mining in Eastern Ontario. How many does it take for our government to act on our concerns?

It is hypocritical for the provincial government to claim federal jurisdiction on uranium whilst it has granted the permits to Frontenac Ventures for exploration and would collect revenues from these mines. In addition the Ministry of the Environment has charged Frontenac Ventures with multiple breaches of provincial environmental regulations. How do you grant the permits, collect the revenues, and regulate the operations if you have no jurisdiction?

We propose an information picket at the entrance to the hearings. Of course the event will be peaceful and non disruptive. Speakers, such as Bob Lovelace, and municipal representatives will voice their objections to the exemption of uranium mines. The 6 PM protest will include music and street theater.

Contact Information: Paul Gervan, Tel: 613-387-3579

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